How Do I Become A CNA?

Certified Nursing Assistants play a vital role in improving the health of patients. They are typically hired to visit the homes of patients and administer treatments to them. A CNA may also be hired on a full-time basis by a family. A family may want to hire a CNA to take care of a person who is physically disabled or has a tragic illness like cancer. The CNA can work flexible hours if he or she wants. Some CNAs only work one day out of the week. If you are someone who likes to care for other people, then you will make a great CNA. Maybe you have wondered, “How do I become a CNA?” When you want to become a CNA, it is important for you to obtain training that will provide you with the right skills for serving as a CNA.

What’s it like to be a CNA?

When you are a CNA, you have the ability to care for patients who need your help. You will administer medications to patients. You may also help them with physical therapy assignments that they have. For example, you may help a disabled person learn how to use a different part of his or her body for daily tasks. You may also help an elderly person get his or her daily exercise. Being a CNA is a dream career for people who enjoy taking care of others. One may also work in a hospital setting. If one works in a hospital setting, then he or she will likely have to work late hours. One will also have to work with a greater number of patients on a regular basis.

Education Requirements

To become a CNA, one should obtain the appropriate training. Local community colleges frequently offer courses for individuals who want to become CNAs. These courses help people learn about the different ways to take care of other people. A training course may also teach CNAs about techniques for lifting patients or for administering medications to them. A CNA will also learn about things to do in emergency situations. If a patient passes out, then a CNA will know how to respond and help the patient. A CNA should also be prepared to take a state competency exam. It is important for a CNA to take this type of exam in order to receive his or her license. If one wants to work for a hospital or agency, then he or she will need to present this license to the appropriate authority.

Salary & How to Get a Job

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the starting salary for a CNA is about $24,000 a year. This figure can increase if a CNA decides to work additional hours. Many CNAs choose to put in overtime hours at a hospital in order to receive a higher pay. To obtain a position as a CNA, one should apply for positions at a local hospital or agency. An agency will refer a CNA to families who need to hire a personal nurse for a family member. In a hospital setting, the CNA will be assigned to a specific floor of patients.


How Do I Become A Chemical Engineer?

Chemical engineers provide valuable work for companies. Their research helps companies develop new products that are safe for the public’s use. They may also create new substances that can be used in the development of products. Makeup companies frequently hire chemical engineers who can help them develop new lipstick colors, eyeshadows and mascara that are resilient and will provide long-lasting wear. A chemical engineer may also work for a food company. He or she may need to pick out ingredients that will help a company create a more cost-effective product for the marketplace. Maybe you have wondered, “How do I become a chemical engineer?” When you want to become a chemical engineer, it is essential to pursue the necessary educational requirements.

What’s it like to be a chemical engineer?

When you are a chemical engineer, you will probably work about 40 hours a week. It will be your major task to conduct experiments with a variety of substances to see how they impact the end product. You may also need to design an experiment to determine whether a product is safe for the public’s use. Your work will play an important role in the manufacturing process of a product. If you find that certain substances have harmful effects on individuals, then it is your responsibility to tell the appropriate supervisor. You will need to let your supervisors know about any risks that a product poses for the public. During the holiday season, you may work longer hours as companies seek to develop new products for the public.

Education Requirements

To become a chemical engineer, it is essential for you to pursue a degree in engineering. You should try to see whether a college offers a specialized program in chemical engineering. If a college does not offer this type of program, then you may want to consider pursuing an additional major in chemistry. Having a background in chemistry will expose you to a fundamental knowledge of the substances that you will work with on a daily basis. You will also learn about the scientific method that is required for creating experiments. You should try to master the ability to conduct experiments before you graduate from a college program. In the workplace, your supervisor will expect that you can independently design and conduct experiments for testing products.

It is also important for you to take the appropriate licensing exam for your state. If you want to become a chemical engineer, then you will need to obtain a professional license. The exam is quite difficult, and you should consider investing in the services of a test prep company.

Salary & How to Get a Job

The starting salary for a chemical engineer is about $90,000 a year. A chemical engineer may be able to earn a greater income if he or she works for the government. One may also earn a higher salary if he or she is promoted to a supervisor position. A supervisor manages the projects of multiple engineers at once. When you want to become a chemical engineer, it is important for you to network with as many individuals as possible. You should also try to interview with large companies on your college campus. It is also a great idea to submit applications for major companies on the Internet.


How Do I Become An Orthodontist?

When you work as an orthodontist, you help improve the appearance of an individual’s teeth for the rest of his or her life. You can make a genuine difference in the lives of patients by making them feel more confident about themselves. Part of your work may involve placing braces on an individual’s teeth. You may also need to take moldings so that a lab can create a retainer for your patient. An orthodontist may also do reconstructive work in improving the functioning of a patient’s jaw. When you are an orthodontist, you can enjoy a fulfilling and highly profitable career. Maybe you have wondered, “How do I become an orthodontist?” When you want to become an orthodontist, it is essential for you to realize the type of educational commitment involved in pursuing this career.

What’s it like to be an orthodontist?

When you are an orthodontist, you meet with patients on a daily basis. You may need to diagnose a jaw problem that impedes on a patient’s ability to bite or chew food. A patient may also want to improve the way that his or her smile looks. Orthodontists may also treat jaw disproportions. The typical day of an orthodontist includes meeting patients in scheduled appointments. A patient may want to have a general appointment to make sure that he or she does not have any jaw issues. Other patients may have special cosmetic requests that they have for improving their appearance. An orthodontist may need to spend the day completing an extensive surgery procedure for a patient. The orthodontist may also need to meet with patients after a surgery procedure to ensure that the healing process is going well.

Education Requirements

If you want to become an orthodontist, then you will need to go to dental school. You will also need to have your bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree. You may want to research programs that offer a bachelor’s degree option that leads into automatic acceptance into a dental school program. The competition to get into dental school can be rigorous. When you do attend dental school, you can expect to spend at least four years in a program. You will have to take courses in chemistry, biology, anatomy and other topics relating to the study of dentistry. After you complete a dental program, you will need to pass the Dental Admissions Test. You can not become a practicing dentist until you pass this exam. The College of Dentists Board Examination is another exam that you will need to pass in order to become an orthodontist.

Salary & How to Get a Job

According to the BLS, the average salary of an orthodontist is about $204,000 a year. If an orthodontist owns his or her own practice, then a salary may exceed millions of dollars. Also, one will be able to earn a higher salary if he or she works as an orthodontist in a large city. To get a job as an orthodontist, one should apply for positions at dental offices. Volunteering one’s time in a clinic is also another way to make valuable connections that can help one get a job at a dental office. One may also decide to start his or her own practice upon graduation from an orthodontics program.


How Do I Become An Investment Banker?

Investment bankers lead an exciting life that not everyone can handle. The life of an investment banker can also be very high-strung and stressful, as investment bankers must closely analyze stock prices to make decisions in mere seconds. Buying or selling shares of stock in mere moments is the task of any investment banker, because his or her job is to increase the value of a client’s portfolio. The investment banker earns a percentage of the increase in earnings of any portfolio, so it is in the banker’s best interest to increase the value to its maximum amount. The major cities to be an investment banker in are New York City, Chicago, Miami and Los Angeles. Maybe you have wondered, “How do I become an investment banker?” When you want to become an investment banker, it is essential for you to invest in your education and make as many connections as possible in the banking world.

What’s it like to be an investment banker?

As an investment banker, your daily life consists of researching stock prices, listen to presentations from entrepreneurs and figure out strategic ways to grow a portfolio. You will need to buy and sell securities as requested by your clients. You may also make the independent decision to buy or sell securities if it is in the best interest of a portfolio. Part of your job as an investment banker is also to stay updated on securities regulations and make disclosures to the compliance team of a bank. One may also have to travel to meet with clients around the globe. Investment bankers frequently deal with high-powered people on a regular basis. A person with an interest in becoming an investment banker should be aware that the hours can be very long in this profession. The average investment banker may work anywhere from 60 to 90 hours a week. Working on overnight business deals is not uncommon in the world of investment banking.

Education Requirements

The majority of investment bankers have a four-year bachelor’s degree in finance or business. They may also have a master’s degree in business administration. If one does not have connections in the investment banking world, then he or she should choose a major that exposes him or her to the stock market and analysis of securities. Economics and accounting are other fields of study that can be highly useful for working as an investment banker. Students should seek to work at an investment bank during the summer before their senior year of college. This will allow a student to see the inner workings of the investment banking world and understand how to work with high-profile and wealthy clients.

Salary & How to Get a Job

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average starting salary of an investment banker is about $70,000 a year. According to the BLS, there will be a 15 percent increase in the demand for investment bankers. People can enter into this profession by participating in internship programs that lead to entry-level positions at investment banks. The other way to get a job as an investment banker is to cold-call and apply for analyst positions at banks. An analyst position is where most investment bankers land their start in their career path.


How Do I Become A SWAT Member?

A member of a police department’s SWAT team has extensive knowledge in handling weapons and administering rescue plans for hostages. SWAT stands for “Special Weapons and Tactics.” SWAT team members are prepared to handle drug riots and execute antiterrorism measures. One may have to handle heavy firearms as a SWAT team member. When you are a member of a SWAT team, you become part of an elite and highly-respected group of society. SWAT team members may be directly involved in resolving a conflict with drug traffickers or individuals involved in terrorist activities. They may also work in the background of a crime and do all of the research that is required for resolving a crime. Maybe you have wondered, “How do I become a SWAT member?” When you want to become a SWAT member, it is important for you to gain experience as a patrol officer in a police department.

What’s it like to be a SWAT member?

Being part of a SWAT team can be an intense experience. You may receive a phone call in the middle of the night to dispatch to a city where gunshots have been fired in an altercation surrounding drug money. You may also need to patrol a neighborhood that has experienced an increase in its crime rates. Protecting society from terrorism is another aim of SWAT team professionals. The average SWAT team member works about 40 hours a week. He or she may work additional hours if there has been a violent outbreak in a society or a sudden terrorist attack.

Education Requirements

To become a SWAT team member, you will need to obtain a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or a similar field. You will also need to work at a police department as a patrol officer for a minimum of three years. You are not automatically considered for openings in the SWAT team at your police department. Instead, you will need to submit a separate application in order to be considered as part of the SWAT team. To become part of a SWAT team, you will also need to pass certain physical fitness tests. You will have to complete weightlifting exercises, sprints and pushups in order to be considered as part of a SWAT team. You will also need to receive specialized training from a police department to become part of this elite squad. SWAT team members will learn how to use specialized equipment like night vision optics and heavy body armor.

Salary & How to Get a Job

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary of a SWAT team member is about $57,000 a year. Members who work for local SWAT teams usually earn about $51,000 a year. If one works for a SWAT team at the federal level, then he or she will earn about $69,000 a year. To get a job as a SWAT team member, one will have to submit an application to a police department. One can stand out from the competition by being in excellent physical shape. After submitting an application, individuals will have to go through a rigorous interview process in order to be considered for SWAT team positions. One should find out within a few months of submitting an application of whether he or she qualifies to be on a SWAT team.


How Do I Become A Graphic Designer?

Being a graphic designer is a fulfilling career for the opportunity that individuals have for creative expression. When one works as a graphic designer, he or she can earn an income for improving corporate websites, making fun cartoons or creating a new company logo. A graphic designer can essentially turn his or her career into whatever he or she wants. Graphic designers can work on an independent basis, or they can work for major companies. The goal of a graphic designer is to create work that will be attractive to the public. A company may want to hire a graphic designer to assist in revamping its marketing program. Maybe you have wondered, “How do I become a graphic designer?” When you want to become a graphic designer, it is important to develop your own sense of style.

What’s it like to be a graphic designer?

When you are a graphic designer, you can use software programs to create logos and other types of symbols. Graphic designers may also sketch their own designs using traditional art tools, such as colored pencils or markers. A graphic designer can create his or her own schedule and work in a completely independent manner. If a graphic designer works for a major advertising agency, then he or she can expect to work additional hours on a weekly basis.

Education Requirements

To become a graphic designer, you do not need to have any formal education requirements if you wish to work as an independent contractor. You simply need to be skilled in drawing and using artistic software programs. If you want to work for a graphic design firm, then you should obtain a bachelor’s degree in graphic design. You should make sure that a college offers a degree program in graphic design. Some colleges only offer a bachelor’s degree in general design principles. You may also be able to find online instruction schools that offer programs in graphic design. A local community college may also offer seminars that are designed to help graphic designers develop certain types of skills. A graphic designer may be able to take courses that teach him or her how to use new software programs in the field of graphic design.

Salary & How to Get a Job

According to the BLS, the average salary of a graphic designer is about $43,000 a year. A person can work online and be a graphic designer who does independent contractor work. To get a job as a graphic designer at a major firm, one should look for open positions on the internet or through word of mouth. One may also want to meet with a career counselor at a graphic design college in order to find work. Another way to find work as a graphic designer is to simply network with other graphic designers. A graphic designer who is overloaded with work may want to refer some of his or her projects to you. This can be a great way to get your start as a graphic designer.


How Do I Become A Federal Air Marshal?

Federal air marshals do important work in patrolling the air space to ensure that citizens are safe. A federal air marshal works under the United States Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The U.S. Government hires thousands of marshals to patrol the air space. The intent behind the Federal Air Marshal Service is to protect the country from terrorist attacks. After the events of September 11, 2001, President Bush hired thousands of additional air marshals to protect citizens traveling on airplanes. An air marshal is assigned to a flight, and he or she poses as a regular passenger. An air marshal seeks to neutralize a threat or hijacking that occurs during a flight. Maybe you have wondered, “How do I become a federal air marshal?” When you want to become a federal air marshal, it is important to has an educational background in criminal justice or constitutional law.

Recommended Criminal Justice Programs

  1. Liberty University
  2. Virginia College
  3. Kaplan University

What’s it like to be a federal air marshal?

When you are a federal air marshal, the majority of your time will be spent on airplanes. You should enjoy flying on planes if you want to become a federal air marshal. About 15 days out of the month, you will need to pose as a passenger on flights. A federal air marshal should have the ability to maintain a low profile on flights. If his or her identity is compromised, then the federal air marshal may become a prime target for a terrorist on an airplane. The federal air marshal is always on-call with the government. The government can call upon a federal air marshal to be deployed to any location in the world. An agent must be in great physical shape to function in this career.

Education Requirements

To become a federal air marshal, one only is required to have a high school education. However, jobs in this field have been becoming more competitive in the past few years. To distinguish one’s self in this career path, one should obtain a bachelor’s degree in a field like constitutional law or criminal justice. You will also need to undergo training through the federal air marshal program. You should have three years or law enforcement experience if you want to become a federal air marshal. Also, you will need to be under the age of 37 and a citizen of the United States in order to be considered as a federal air marshal. You will receive training to learn how to provide emergency assistance on a flight if it is needed too. You must also have excellent eye vision in order to become a federal air marshall.

Salary & How to Get a Job

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary of a federal air marshal is about $40,000 to $60,000. Federal air marshals have differing salaries depending on their responsibilities. A federal air marshal in the top level may be paid anywhere from $120,000 to $160,000 a year. If you want to become a federal air marshal, then you will need to submit an application with the federal air marshal program. The competition for these positions is fierce, so you should obtain as much education as possible before becoming a federal air marshal. You should also try to gain as much experience as possible working for a law enforcement agency before submitting an application.


How Do I Become A Dermatologist?

When you work as a dermatologist, you have the opportunity to help improve the condition of your patients’ skin. You can diagnose the skin diseases that affect your patients. You also prescribe treatments for the skin disorders that your patients have. Dermatologists meet with patients throughout the week to check up on their skin conditions, diagnose new skin diseases they may have and administer physical examinations. The dermatologist may also have to analyze the results of a skin test to understand which skin diseases a patient has. The goal of the dermatologist is to help a patient feel more confident about his or her facial appearance. Maybe you have wondered, “How do I become a dermatologist?” If you want to become a dermatologist, then you should be prepared to attend medical school.

What’s it like to be a dermatologist?

When you are a dermatologist, you work directly with patients. You should be comfortable in administering laser skin care treatments to your patients. You should also be ready to spot any visible bumps or moles on a person’s skin that may signify cancer or another skin disease. A patient may also want you to consider the health of their skin and hair. You may also have to provide special facial treatments to your clients. A dermatologist has access to special medications that may not be available at the drugstore, and a patient may visit you specifically for the purpose of obtaining these medications. Dermatologists typically work only about 40 hours a week. Dermatology is one of the most attractive fields of medicine for its relaxed culture and lack of extensive hours. Also, one tends to meet affluent clients in this career path, as dermatology treatments can be very expensive and are not always covered by health insurance.

Education Requirements

To become a dermatologist, one will have to receive his or her medical degree. Prior to applying for medicine programs, one should obtain a bachelor’s degree in a science-related field. One should study biology, anatomy or health science prior to applying for medicine programs. After completion of a bachelor’s degree program, one will need to take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). You should apply to medicine programs throughout the country and that appeal to you for their location, unless you already have career plans for after graduation. When you have completed a medicine program, you will then have to complete the United States Medical Licensing Examinations. Then, you should research residency programs in dermatology throughout the country. Residency programs can be very competitive. You should work hard in medicine school to get a high grade point average so that you can be admitted into a residency program. You will then spend three to five years in a residency program.

Salary & How to Get a Job

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary of a dermatologist is about $166,000 a year. Dermatologists enjoy very lucrative careers. If you want to get a job as a dermatologist, then you should apply for open positions at skin care centers. Spa centers and resorts may also have openings for dermatologists. You may also be able to find a position at a local hospital in the area. If you want to perform surgery operations, then you should get a job at a public hospital.


How Do I Become A Dentist?

Being a dentist is a lucrative and fulfilling career. Dentists help people take care of their teeth, and they also help people learn how to prevent cavities. A dentist can teach patients how to properly brush their teeth, floss and avoid harmful junk foods. Dentists also know how to clean the teeth of individuals and may have to perform complex surgeries. An individual may need to have teeth pulled, and a dentist will prepare the individual to have teeth pulled. Dentists help individuals recover from having their wisdom teeth pulled. Dentists also help improve the appearance of an individual’s teeth and make them look gorgeous. Maybe you have wondered, “How do I become a dentist?” When you want to become a dentist, it is important for you to devote years of your life to the educational requirements for this career.

What’s it like to be a dentist?

Dentists enjoy a career with little stress. The typical dentist will work about 40 hours a week and meet with patients throughout the week. A dentist may meet with patients who need a simple teeth cleaning. They may also meet with patients who require intense surgery procedures and need to have their wisdom teeth pulled. Dentists may also host seminars in the local community and teach mass groups of people how to care for their teeth. A dentist may also want to volunteer his or her time for an organization that provides free dental work to low income citizens. The most important task that a dentist completes in his or her daily work is detecting diseases. A dentist may be able to detect rare forms of cancer in an individual’s mouth.

Education Requirements

To become a dentist, one must complete a bachelor’s degree program. An individual should also apply to dental schools during his or her senior year of college. One can get in touch with the American Dental Association to learn about all of the dental schools in the United States. During your senior year of college, you will need to take the Dental Admissions Test. Dental schools will consider your test scores and grade point average in deciding whether to admit you to their programs. In your first two years of dental school, you will take courses that expose you to science and dental concepts. In your last two years of dental school, you will have the opportunity to work in a dental office and receive credit. You should try to work at a dental office during your summers in between semesters. Working in a dental office will help you line up a job for after graduation.

Salary & How to Get a Job

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary of a dentist is about $160,000 a year. To get a job as a dentist, one should apply for positions at private offices. One may also want to begin his or her career as a dentist by volunteering for a clinic that provides free dental work to low income citizens. Being part of this type of clinic gives a person the chance to meet other established dentists in the community. A person may be able to find a job as a dentist through connections made in this type of volunteer program.


How Do I Become A CRNA?

A CRNA helps administer anesthesia to patients. A CRNA is a registered nurse and holds a master’s degree. If you enjoy preparing patients for intense surgery operations, then you will enjoy being a CRNA. You help ease the nerves of patients before they enter into a surgery. After surgery, you help the patient to recover from the operation. You are also required to watch over a patient during a surgery. You will need to make sure that the patient does not experience any adverse effects to anesthesia. If a patient does experience adverse effects, then you will need to know how to respond and administer other treatments. The CRNA plays an integral role throughout the operation that a patient undergoes. He or she works directly with a doctor to ensure that a patient fully recovers from his or her illness. Maybe you have wondered, “How do I become a CRNA?” When you want to become a CRNA, it is important for you to be committed to the pursuit of a nursing degree and the other educational requirements of this career.

What’s it like to be a CRNA?

CRNAs may work in high-stress environments. As a CRNA, you will need to assist a surgeon or doctor during a surgery procedure. A doctor may want you to help in handling medical equipment during the operation. Of course, before the surgery begins, your main task will be to administer the anesthesia and ensure that the patient does not have any allergic reactions. A CRNA can be put in a difficult position if a patient is allergic to anesthesia, and he or she may need to administer CPR or other life-saving measures. CRNAs are usually able to work very flexible hours. A CRNA may be able to work only on a part-time basis.

Education Requirements

To become a CRNA, one will have to complete various advanced education requirements. One will need to obtain his or her nursing degree. To obtain a nursing degree, you will have to apply for nursing programs upon the completion of basic pre-requisite courses. Admission into nursing programs is very competitive, so you should try to obtain the best grade point average that you can. After you receive your nursing degree, you will then need to obtain a master’s degree. It usually takes two or three years to complete a master’s degree with a specialization in anesthesia. It is a good idea to apply to multiple CRNA programs. This way, you will be sure that you receive admission to a program. During the application process, you will need to complete an interview with board members. You will need to take a recertification course every year.

Salary & How to Get a Job

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary of a CRNA is about $100,000 a year. A CRNA is the highest paid type of nurse. To get a job as a CRNA, you should apply for programs at public hospitals. You may also be able to find plenty of open positions available at university research centers and hospitals. A private doctor’s office may also want to hire you to oversee patient care.
